Featured Work

Farm PRO: Farm Management System

Efficient and comprehensive tool for farmers and agribusinesses
Services Provided
  • Crop planning and monitoring.
  • Inventory and supply chain management for agricultural inputs.
  • Weather forecasting integration for better decision-making.
  • Harvest planning and yield analysis.
Services Provided
  • Online Property Listing & Discovery
  • Branding
  • Communication
  • User Interface

FarmPro is a comprehensive farm management system aimed at supporting agricultural operations. It helps farmers and agribusinesses optimize their processes, increase productivity, and manage resources efficiently. Assists farmers in planning and monitoring crop cycles, optimizing yield and resource utilization.

Manages inventory and supply chains for agricultural inputs, reducing wastage and optimizing resource allocation.

Brauze Logo
Juliet Denise
“The weather integration is a game-changer for making informed decisions. If you're into farming, you should definitely give it a look!”


  • Financial tracking for farm budgeting and profitability analysis.
  • Financial Tracking
  • User Support and Training
  • Mobile Accessibility
  • Crop planning and monitoring.
  • Inventory and supply chain management for agricultural inputs.
  • Weather forecasting integration for better decision-making.
  • Harvest planning and yield analysis.
Why Chose Farm PRO

Integrates with weather forecasting services to provide farmers with real-time data for informed decision-making.Streamlines harvest planning and logistics, reducing post-harvest losses.

Provides robust financial tracking tools for budgeting, profitability analysis, and cost optimization.

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Let’s Work

We’d love to meet up with you to discuss your venture, and potential collaborations.
[email protected]

4th Floor. Acacia Mall Kololo, P.O. Box 103814,

Kampala, Uganda

+256 39 4502420
Let’s connect